We welcome you to our online store where you will find neopil products made from 100% natural herbs made with the highest standards of quality and hygiene.
Feel free to browse through our pages and products where you will find detailed descriptions of each one of them.
Today, obesity is a health problem that must be treated in a serious and professional way, that is why our company provides you with 100% natural products that can help you achieve your goals.
In addition to this and with a healthy diet, you can achieve it without a doubt.
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Horehound White, Tepozán, Seed Papaya, Leaf Tejocote, Root of Lima, and Lemon grass
Bottle with 60 tablets of 30 mg each.
Take one capsule before breakfast and again before dinner.
Neopil PLUS should not be taken by children under 18 years, pregnant women,or women who are breastfeeding.
Additional Information:
Unique combination of substances extracted from special plants 100% natural to help lose weight, because it prevents the fats in the body are fixed.
Lowers cholesterol in the blood and helps the proper functioning of the circulatory system prevents colitis, gastritis and constipation.
Giving a bonus to the improvement and proper functioning of your body with the best mix of herbs.
Attention !
Neopilplus is recommended for people who have previously taken regular Neopilcaps for a period of three months and, due to their slow metabolism, have not obtained the desired result.
NeopilPlus is stronger and is added with more herbs.
It could be strong for a fast metabolism.
Marrubio Blanco, Tepozán, Semilla de Papaya, Hoja de Tejocote, Raíz de Lima y Limoncillo
Frasco con 60 comprimidos de 30 mg cada uno.
Tomar una cápsula antes del desayuno y nuevamente antes de la cena.
Neopil PLUS no debe ser tomado por niños menores de 18 años, mujeres embarazadas o mujeres que estén amamantando.
Información adicional:
Combinación única de sustancias extraídas de plantas especiales 100% naturales para ayudar a adelgazar, ya que evita que las grasas del organismo se fijen.
Reduce el colesterol en sangre y ayuda al buen funcionamiento del sistema circulatorio previene colitis, gastritis y estreñimiento.
Dando un plus a la mejora y buen funcionamiento de tu organismo con la mejor mezcla de hierbas.
Atención !
Neopilplus está recomendado para personas que hayan tomado Neopilcaps de forma regular durante un período de tres meses y, debido a su metabolismo lento, no hayan obtenido el resultado deseado.
NeopilPlus es más fuerte y se agrega con más hierbas.
Podría ser fuerte para un metabolismo rápido.